The name Amazon is thought to have come from ‘A-mazos’ meaning without breast

In Greek Mythology the Amazons were a tribe of women warriors,

Legends say they had their breast removed to make them stronger.

It made it easier to fire an arrow, or throw a spear.

Amazon women were spirited, strong and extremely courageous.

Warrior Women are MADE not born 


You are a GlamOZon, a true warrior, the strongest of women

You have chosen to make a very difficult and life changing decision to remove your breast, to make yourself a more powerful woman.

You have persevered through physical, mental, emotional and spiritual devastation and come out the other side.

No matter how hard your journey has been don’t ever doubt yourself because you are strong.

Your sacrifice was not just for yourself, but for your children, your partner, your parents and your friends.

So whether you have chosen reconstruction or not,

You are Glorious, you are an Amazon, and you deserve great admiration.


You are part of a big family, a tribe of women who understand

Your diagnosis is over and you might feel like you’ve been left on your own with a pile of brochures but no support.

Breast cancer is the most common cancer affecting Australian women. In 2021 it is predicted that 19,866 women (and 164 men) will be diagnosed*, an average of 55 a day. A fifth of women will be diagnosed and of them 40% will have a mastectomy.

If you’re one of thousands then why do you feel so alone? Why can’t you buy mastectomy products locally and easily? Why are they priced like luxury items? Why does personal shopping have to involve strangers and you end up with so little choice?

If you feel abandoned or lost in the system we are here to help…


We will support you

Glamozon wants to provide women who have had a mastectomy with a range of quality manufactured and lovingly handmade products, with less of a financial burden, at a very reasonable cost.  To offer them the privacy and space to be able to select what satisfies their individual needs, without any pressure. We want all women who have had a mastectomy to feel empowered and understand that they are strong, brave and to be proud that they are the true embodiment of a real Glamozon warrior woman.


* Australian Institute of Health and Welfare 2021. Cancer data in Australia.