Flower Essences

Flower Essences are especially designed to treat different emotional states, they work by stimulating the body’s own natural ability to harmonize, by bringing unbalanced emotions back into balance. Flower essences were created in England in the 1930s and are easy to use.

Simply have 4 drops, 4 times a day either under your tongue, or in a glass of water or other beverage. They can be taken with conventional or complementary medicines. They are completely natural, safe for all ages and can be taken by anyone (including children and pets!). We have 3 Blends:

‘Glamozon Mix’
A special combination for our Glamozon warriors, this blend contains flowers that will help with common emotions that may come up when facing breast cancer as well as post-operatively.

‘Made 4 Me’
A mix where you can choose your own combination of any 5 of the 38 flowers to design your own custom blend.

‘Stress SOS’
Can be used when you need some emergency relief during extreme physical, emotional or mental stress.

Postage is Free on all Glamozon purchases!

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